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[10000印刷√] wii ultra sensor bar review 288794-Wii ultra sensor bar review
1) Open up your Wii Sensor Bar (should be about 6 screws, 2 behind some strips, just look at the picture were the screws are pointing at) 2) Remove the whole cable (Gold and Red) from the circuit board of the Wii Sensor Bar but remember the colors or just check the picture later 3) Open up a USB cable until you see all 4 or 5 cables (Red The sensor bar is basically just a bar with 5 infrared LEDs on both ends and the wii remote calculate the position and distance according to the movement of the infrared imageThis Ultra Wireless Sensor Bar for Nintendo Wii will surely enhance the range and quality of my Wii game play The wireless replacement sensor bar is a welcome addition to extend the play range of my Wii system, I also like that it provides maximum tracking performance to ensure that every motion comes alive in myr favorite games
Best Wireless Wii Sensor Bar In 21 Top 5 Rated Reviews
Wii ultra sensor bar review
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